Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Hello Yellow

Akhirnya selesai juga.
Ini dress pesenan Mba Wulan di Bogor untuk putri kecilnya, MAHARA.

Dibuat dari katun yang empuk, jadi cocok untuk bayi. Klo soal warna, ini sih pilihan mamanya MAHARA. Katanya karna si kecil ini putih, makanya dipilihin warna yang bikin kliatan makin kinclong ^_^

Ups.. hampir lupa. MAHARA tuh baru 7 bulan ya. Tapi baju ini dibuat ukuran anak 1 tahun.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Lovely Pink

Ini baju kecelakaan ini. Awalnya mau buat sesuai pola dibuku, tapi kok bagian roknya itu sederhana banget, cuma ch3 doank.

Akhirnya Nda rubah aja pake tusukan SHELL. Plus ditambahin pita dari buku ke-3 nya Mba Thata (tapi bunda yang buat pitanya).

And VOILA... beginilah hasilnya.

Psst.. foto modelnya NESSA, princessnya mba Dina.
Baru aqiqah dia, makanya botak. Tapi tetep cantik kan?!?!?!?!?!

PurplePink Set

This pinkpurple set was made based on order by Mrs. Wulan @ Bogor. For the jacket i made it based on Sis Thata's pattern with some modification. While its hat and headband, i just made up by myself.

Hmm.. hopefully it will suit to little Mahara ^_^

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Thanks GUYS !!

Finally, Dinamic Crochet's charity project that was held last month (during Ramadhan) was finished.

Thank you so much for all support that been given. Thank you for trusting me in distributing those goodie bag (consist of rice, oil, nodle, etc) for 3 amazing woman (to bad only 1 of them want to be pictured).

For all donor, all doily buyer, thank you so much. You've been so kind in supporting this program.

It an unbelieveable experince for me.

Hmmm our next project Will dedicated for Padang.


Saturday, 26 September 2009

Green Granny Baby Set

Remember my previous posting? This one.
Well.. I've made modification on that hat, based on Sis Thata's advice. I put an edging on it with fpdc & bpdc. Just like in the pic.

This hat (I just made it with dc all the way) along with this jacket n booties (jacket from sis Thata's 2nd book, booties also from sis Thata) are made for my manager's newborn baby boy. I made it in green coz his wife loves green.

Hmm.. I wish them all the best for the new coming baby.


Rainbow Blankie

Finally, I can finished this 2 blankie for FDWL Charity Program.
The 1st blankie (the left one) was made with FDWL pattern. Made it with ICT & 4/0 clover hook. It took times since there's Pop DC on it. While the 2nd one, I just need a day to do it. Well off course since I only made from basic granny.

Hopefully they can feel warm n comfort with this blankie ^_^

Pine Tablecloth

This is my 1st big doily project. Well tablecloth I guessed. It was an order from Ms. Rini (JKT). She wished a 150cm tablecloth. So i search the pattern from book n net for several days before finally decided to crocheting this one.

Made this pine with Acrylic Cotton with some modification since I didn't have enough yarn.
Hopefully she'll satisfied with this pine ^_^

Monday, 31 August 2009

Topi Beruang

Topinya orang males nih keknya. Gimana engga, orang DC semua :D
Abis kan ceritanya pengen kasih aplikasi, nah klo banyak tusukan, rasanya aneh aja. Ya udah jadinya Softy Cotton 5 ply ini Nda rajut dengan tusukan DC semua. Tentunya dengan clover hook no. 4/0.
Nahhh klo beruangnya, baru deh pake benang ICT. Matanya dari manik-manik hitam, sementara hidungnya pake felt. Udah dipajang di FB dan udah dikomentarin sama Ibu Ratu Kompornya DC. Nda disarankan untuk kasih ribbing. Siap laksanakan Ibu Ratu, semoga aja ICT nya cukup.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Booties Pertama Bunda

Pagi ini Nda mau pamer booties buatan bunda niih. Jadi, sepulang dari retreat, bunda tuh penasaran banget untuk bikin booties. Dan ternyata, bunda dah catet salah satu pola booties dari temen milis Nda -Viqa-.

Booties ini dibuat dengan dpn 4mm, dan benang softy (lupa yang berapa ply). Biar ga terlalu polos, ditambahkan renda warna hijau (crochet). Jadi dehhhh.

Girlie banget yaaa ^_^

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Knitted Baby Booties

I made this booties yesterday, on DC 1st Retreat @ Puncak. This was the second time I made booties with knitting. Well.. its still far away from good, but its better than the 1st booties.

Using green and orange Softy Cotton with 3.5mm bamboo knitting needle, I think this booties was ok for both baby gal n baby boy. Psttt... Sis Fenny, Sis Rini and Sis Trully helped me to finished it.

Thanks a lot sis ^_^

Monday, 10 August 2009

Mempercantik rumah sambil beramal. Mau???

DC aka. Dinamic Crochet, ngadain project berbagi lagi nih.
Kali ini projectnya dengan berjualan Doily aka. taplak meja yang hasilnya akan diberikan kepada yang membutuhkan.
Doily-doily cantik ini dibuat oleh para member dan seluruh hasilnya disumbangkan. Lha wong harganya aja murah meriah.
Asli, harganya muraaaaah banget bila dibandingkan sama hasil dan kualitas benangnya.

Penasaran, cek aja di link ini ya. Klo belom tertarik, sering-sering aja cek, karna doily-doilynya akan bertambah.


Yuks, berbagi sambil mempercantik rumah.


Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Syal Biru Sis. Hilda

Syal ini Nda buat untuk kadonya Mba Hilda. Berhubung sekarang kami ndak sekantor, jadi Nda minta bantuan tante Dina (foto modelnya KPM yang ga bisa liat kaca nganggur) untuk jadi model. Ditemenin sama mba Efy (yang protes karna syalnya kok cuma satu, dia kan mau juga jadi model syal :D) biar bisa diupload di blog.

Buatnya pake ICT warna biru, abis 1 gulung lebih dikit deh.

Mulai buatnya sih minggu lalu. Jadi ceritanya, kantor mati lampu. Sebenernya udah diumumin klo akan mati lampu, tapi kan tetep harus masuk. Apalagi pernah ada tuh ya, diumumin tapi ga jadi mati lampu. Temen-temen yang lain kan nyalon tuh...
berhubung Nda ga terlalu suka nyalon, jadi ke Mimo ajah. Abis dikantor ga ada persediaan benang (udah kosong, dibeli sama Mami Aini :D).

Pas sampe Mimo, ternyata mba Ria lagi ngajar yang kursus. Daripada bengong, Nda liat-liat Ondori, eh kok ada syal lucu. Pas banget, si Mba Hilda mau syal juga untuk ultahnya (gara-gara liat syal yang Nda buat untuk kado Mba Oci). Ya udah.. bikin ajah :D dis
itu, dapet 4 cluster pine. Sisanya, dicicil dirumah. Finishingnya, nunggu dibawain bukunya sama Tante Yet (soalnya yang di toko udah laku). Makasih ya Tante.

So finally... Ini dia syalnya. Moga yang nerima suka.

Psstt... Rencana untuk mengarang bebas batal deh. Tunggu hati n kepalanya selesai di format ulang ya :D

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Harta Karun Baru ^_^

Cuma mau pamer harta karun Nda yang terbaru niiihhh.
Semua benang ini oleh-oleh bunda dari Surabaya. Tepatnya dari saungnya Mba Thata. Kan ceritanya Nda sedih nih, ga bisa ikut.. jadi.. sama mama dibawain oleh-oleh ini deh.

Kebanyakan sih Softy Cotton, tapi ada ICT Sembur n Nylon juga. Plus kancing and boneka-boneka kecil. Pokonya TOP BGT deh.

Makasih Maaaaa ^_^

Monday, 27 July 2009

Sweater Key Chain

I made this with my left over yarn. Actually, I was made it months a go, but always forget to upload it :D. Got the pattern from a friend at one DC mailing list. And I think she got it from a site. Only made 2, but I add bullion flower on the peach one. Kinda cute. You know what, I also think that it's not to bad for wedding souvenir :D

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tempat Pensil Kecelakaan

Diliat-liat, lucu juga tempat pensil ini. Garis-garis persis kue lapis :D
Padahal aslinya ga niat banget bikin tempat pensil. Awalnya nih yaaa... Nda mau buat tempat hook untuk mba Harnik (yang udah telat berbulan-bulan lamanya! So sorry mba:( ).

Yang ada di kepala nih buat tempat hook dengan model seperti clover punya. Yaitu persegi panjang dengan resleting di ketiga sisinya. Berhubung Nda ga bisa jait.. dibawalah ke tukang jait. Hasilnya?? Mengecewakan sangat. Bener sih, dijait 3 sisi. Tapi jadi meleyot. Kayaknya resletingnya kurang panjang, trus dipaksain. Nda minta benerin, orangnya ga mau. I don't like arguing, so Nda bawa ke tukang jait lain. Kali ini sodara temen mama. Dulu.. waktu Nda masih rajin buat dompet dari manik-manik, dia yang jahitkan furingnya. Based on that, Nda percaya lah sama dia.

Hasilnya, ya seperti yang dibawah ini. Dikasih furing, dijahit mati di sisi kanan-kirinya plus resleting di atas. Voila!! Jadilah tempat pensil.


Festival Rajut Indonesia 2009

Tanggal 11 - 12 Juli kemarin, ada FRI (Festival Rajut Indonesia). Acara ini mengambil tempat di Musium Bank Mandiri. Pas banget di seberang halte busway kota.

Acaranya macem-macem nih, mulai dari talkshow dengan para penulis buku merajut seperti Thata Pang & A.J. Boesra, berbagai macam kursus merajut (dari pemula banget sampai mahir), dan tentunya, Bazaar. Temen-temen Nda di CnM juga buka stand disini dan ga pernah sepi pengunjung. Dari yang baik, sampe yang maksa minta turun harga. Pokoknya macem-macem deh. Untung aja, mba-mbak-ku di CnM (Mba Rini, Teh Fenny) ramah n sabar banget melayani mereka semua. Tetep bisa senyuuum even perut dah bikin konser :D.

Nah, sebagai drakula benang, ga sah donk, klo ke acara ini tanpa bawa pulang benang n pernak pernik rajut.

Ini sebagian fotonya ^_^

Thata Pang n Audiences

Ada yang sadar kamera nih :D

Invasi ke Stand CnM
My stash ^_^

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Knit Pertama

Akhirnya selesai jugaaaa. Legaaaaa!!!!

Booties hijau yang baru sebelah ini adalah proyek knitting pertama Nda. Mulai bikinnya sih hari sabtu (11/7) di arena Festival Rajut Indonesia, tapi baru selesai semalem sambil nonton The Nanny di Hallmark.

Awalnya ga ada niat buat merajut, tapi berhubung ada banyak sekali kompor, plus sayang sekali melewatkan kesempatan belajar gratis dari para guru di DC, jadilah dibulatkan tekad untuk bisa. Sampe jarumnya aja minjem :D.

4 guru - 4 gaya. Yang ada Nda cuma bisa ber 'ooo' panjang tiap kali mereka jelasin atau kasih contoh. But its really fun.

Ahh jadi pengen cepet-cepet buat yang sebelahnya. Kasian kan bootiesnya masih yatim :D

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Simple Pink Shawl

This simple pink shawl was made as a b'day present for Ocie,-my friend @ my prev. office.

Made this one with less than a ball pink ICT -i choose pink coz Ocie loves pink-, with clover hook no.4.

Well.. this was my 1st free style shawl. What I mean with free style is b'cause I didn't use any pattern. I just made it up with simple dc and lots of ch :D.

Feel so glad when I finnaly made this, and even more when Ocie called me to say that she likes it ^_^. Hopefully she really did, not just wanna make me happy.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Bunga untuk Bu Guru

Bulan lalu kan Mba Thata Ulang Tahun...
Nah... Cici Fenny (Asmod DC), punya rencana untuk bikin kejutan nih.. buat Mba Thata. Kalo tahun lalu kan kita nyumbang square yang kemudian di sambung jadi Selimut Cinta. Nah.. kali ini temanya SAUNG. Jadi.. yang mau ikutan, diminta buat sesuatu yang bisa dipajang di SAUNG Mba Thata.

Asli, Nda bingung banget mau bikin apa. Sama sekali ga ada ide. Nah.. waktu ym-an sama teteh Fenny, dia minta Nda buat bunga aja. Bunga apa aja deh, berapa aja. Nti dirangkai sama dia untuk di taroh di vas, digabungin bunga dari beberapa orang warga DC lainnya.

Ya udah.. Nda ikutin aja sarannya si teteh. Dan inilah bunga yang Nda buat (like usual, polanya liat di inet). Klo ga salah dari pola di AA. Sebenernya sih pola sachet gitu, tapi Nda ambil aja bunganya.
Nahhh... kalo ini bunga-bunga yang udah dirangkai sama Teteh Fenny. Duhhh keren-keren banget yaaa. Kayaknya punya Nda paling sederhana dan kalem :D. Tapi gpp deh. PD ajah!!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Al-Qur'an Cover

See this lovely cover???
It was made by Ibu Maya for DC exchange project on Kartini Day.
Mba Thata (as usual) had a brilliant idea to held an exchange project in order to honour RA Kartini, the mother of Woman Emancipation in Indonesia. And for this exchange project, we made small things like book cover or pouch for hook (depends on what we like to have from our partner).
So, when Ibu Maya asked me what do I want for the exchange program, I told her that I wanna book cover for my Holy Al-Quran. And.. tadaaaaa!!!!! I got it. And not only that. Ibu Maya also gave me the Holy Al-Qur'an. Even bigger than what I have back home.

^_^ Thank you so much Ibu Maya.

Pstt.. I know it's kinda embarassing, but I still owe Mba Nik for Hook pouch for this exchange project. Please be patience mba Nik >_<

Friday, 29 May 2009

Happy B'day Teteh

I made this doily last month, as a B'day gift for my beloved sis Fenny from DC. FYI, she's an angel in DC Land. There are so many angelic things that she has done, not only for DC member, but also for DC's family.

This doily was made from Winter Sunshine with clover hook no.3/0. Pstt.... WSS is the latest yarn from THALENTA. It's a great thing. You wont regret it. I swear :)

Happy B'day Teteh Cantik.
Wish You All the BEST.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Freshy Orange for Baby Nessa

Looked so fresh, right?! That's why I called it Freshy Orange. Using Indonesian Cotton with Clover hook no.4/0, it took me about almost 2 weeks to finished it, since I'm only doing it in train on my way to work and sometime at night before I go to bed. I got the pattern from a Japanese book.

Made this for Dina's Baby, Nessa. Kinda late I guess. But better late then never, right?!

Hope both Mommy n Baby Nessa will like this.


For Nabila from Mommy

I've just sit on my chair when Aini came to me and drop a plastic bag on my desk.

Since it was transparent so I can see that it was crochet. But still.. I was curious with it so I open it.

And Voila!!
It was a headband and small bag. She said that she made those for her little princess, Nabila.

Her work was neat but still, I complained her. I mean, Nabila is a pretty little gal. So why make her look old with those dark color?!? Can't you find something bright for her?!? Baby Blue, Sky Blue, Aquamarine, but Dark Blue?!

Wave of Love

Did you know that FDWL had 4 different type of square?? What?! You didn't know?!
Well.. let me tell you this. Our beloved Mrs. Thata has created 4 different square for FDWL. The first one is Round in Square, 2nd one is 3 D Popcorn Square, 3rd one is Wave of Love, and the last one is Bullion Ruffle Flower Square.

Like I said in my previous post, this year, FDWL's project is to make baby blanket. Me and my mommy already made 1 blanket from 1st square pattern. And few weeks ago, I tried to make another one from 3rd pattern: Wave of Love.

It's kinda hard for me. I mean crocheting
the square was easy, but joined them?! That's the hard part. Why??? Because the shape is not Square but Pentagon. And I never joined any pentagon before. Anyway... after several trial and error, I finally made this. Still not satisfied with the result, but I think it's quite good for now.

What do you think?!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Aini's Cell Phone Case

This cell phone case was made by my office mate, Aini. She got interested in crochet after see me crocheting on my break time.

Actually, this case is not her 1st. After learning how to make sc and dc, she made a shawl for her BF. But unfortunately, she said no when I wann
a take a pic of it. But thanks got she finally said YES when I wanna take a pic of this one.

She made this, using ICT and Tulip hook No. 3, from Sis Thata's pattern on her 1st crocheting book. Since she didn't have any stopper (like the one in the book), she modified the case by making a flower. Cute isn't it??

Round In Square Blanket

Last month (April 28), I finished joining FDWL square into a baby blanket for another charity project of FDWL.

This blanket was made by using pattern that was specially design for FDWL Charity. For the material. I'm using ICT (Indonesian Cotton) from CraftandMe with Clover Hook No. 4.

Actually, my mom's made those squares and I just joined them. And the result?? Well.. to be honest, I'm still not satisfied with it. Seems that I need more and more practice in joining squares.

Anyway... here's the pic of the baby blanket.

New Book

Hi All!!
Long time no see :)
Today I wanna share my newest book. It was a gift from my best friend Rika. About few weeks a go, she went to SIN. And when she saw a book store, she remembered that I like crafting. So, she bought this book for me. She's so sweet isn't it????

Thank you so much for this lovely book, Ka.
I really like it ^_^

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Oval n Flowery

Finally I can finished this doily.
It was an order from Mr. TJ (Jakarta). He wants to give it as a present for his beloved wive.

Before I choose this one, I made 1-2 other doily and keep failing :( but not with this one.

Made it with Rayon Cotton (Thalenta) with clover hook no. 5 (since I made it double). And for the pattern, I'm using one of pattern from Japanese Book.

Hope they will like it ^_^

Thursday, 26 February 2009

B'day Present for Mba Kat

DC having another program. Gosh!! Our moderator is sooo creative :D. So, this program is to make B'day gift for member. It's a voluntary work. Every one who wants to take part, must choose one or more months. And the moderator will let us know who's b'day is it on that month. Then, we send gift to that person. You don't have to make something expensive or spectaculer. Just make something u like. Coz the main idea is to share.

I choose February and April. And this month (17th Feb) was sis Katrien's B'day. I made a cell pouch and some bookmarks (too bad I didn't take a pic of those 2 bookmarks). I only take a pic of the cell pouch.

Made it with green ICT, clover hook no.3 with sc stitches only. Then I made bullion stitches with DMC and Blue Moon to make it nice.

I really hope that she'll like it ^_^

Monday, 23 February 2009

Rose Brooch

I made this rose upon my Aunt's request. She want's something wearable for all the gals in family on my cousin's wedding day. So, she ask me to make brooch with the combination of red and gold (as we all know, gold the main color for sumatra people).

Got this pattern form web (I forgot the site, still try to remember it). Using clover hook no. 3 and viscose rayon yarn from Micki Mocko Blok M.

Hope she'll likes it ^_^

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Brownie Hat

This hat was made based on Miss. Rika's order. She's driving motorcycle for her daily activities and she wants a hat to cover her hair, right before she wears her helmet. And she always requested dark colour. FYI this is her 2nd order.

Thank you for trusting us.


Green Pouch

Just finished this GreenPouch. Made it for Sis Nina Wijaya (Sidoarjo) with a ball Viscose Rayon. Like usual, I always use simple stitches ^_^.

This was made from FPDC and BPDC.

Hope she'll like it

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Blue Bed Cover

About a month a go, my mommy went to her aunt's house in Bogor. 2 woman meet, it's so impossible if they weren't chit-chating. Eventually, my mom told her aunt about my crocheting hobby. And guessed what?! Her aunt so excited, coz she had 3 daughter but none of them had the sama hobby like her. Which is crafting -including crocheting-. Then she rush into her bed room, and started to collect few things from her closet. All crocheting item. One of them is this Blue Bed Cover. It's so lovely isn't it???

She made it from local wool, using local hook. Finished it for about a month. Wow. I never made such a huge project like this. I promised to myself that one day, sooner or later, I'll make things like this.

Wish me luck ^_^

Shirt Key Chain

Cute isn't it??
Well I should thanked sis Fenny for this cute shirt key chain coz i got this cute little thing from her. She gave it to me as new year's present.

Thank you so much sis.

Love ya

Simple Baby Set

This is the 1st baby set I ever made. Consist of hat, bib and bottle cover. For Hat and Bib, made it from sis Fenny's pattern. But I create the bottle cover for myself.

This baby set was made by using ICT (Indonesian Cotton) with clover hook no. 4.

It's kinda cute for gift.


Fan Syall

Made this shawl few weeks a go by using a ball of acrylic linen yarn. This yarn has a unique texture. When you hold it, it's kinda stretchy and feels like plastic. I should thanked sis Fenny for the pattern of this beautiful shawl.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Pinky Goodie Bag

See this pink goodie bag?? I made it for Sis Ririk (Malang) for exchange gift. Well.. we had goodie bag exchange for V Day. Even though I never celebrate V'Day, but its kinda fun to shares with friends.

I made it with Softy Cotton and hook No.7. Using all simple stitches. The base of this goodie bag, I made it from sis Thata's pattern for FDWL charity pencil case. I modified the body from ondory bok.

This goodie bag is on the way to sis Ririk's hand. Hope she'll likes it.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Pencil Case for SD juara

I made this pencil case yesterday. Made it for kids in SD. Juara as part FDWL charity program.

The blue one is made from Blue & White ICT. Add it with plastic flower and zipper. While the Green one. Made it with ICT blend (green n yellow) and add it with plastic button.

For this 2, I'm only using dc.

^_^ Hope they'll like it

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Pencil Case

I made this pencil case few days a go by using illusion stitch from Sis Tatha.

I ask my mom to sew the zipper coz I can't sew.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Pouch for Cell

I made this a month a go by using Tatha's pattern and have modified it. Well.. not really modified, but just adjusting it with material that I have @ home. In that book, she was using rayon cotton while me, I'm using ICT.

Selimut Ezie

Inget kan cerita Nda beberapa waktu lalu, bahwa Nda dan Mba Rini akan berkolaborasi untuk menyambung 'square-square' sumbangan para warga DC untuk dijadikan selimut Mba Ezie??

Nahhh.. ini dia nih hasil kolaborasi itu. FYI, ini pertama kalinya Nda menyambung square untuk selimut. Not an easy thing, but yet, not a hard one also.

Kali ini selimutnya banyak bertebaran bunga sakura. Gimana engga, coz waktu selimut ini dibuat, DC itu lagi demam Sakura squarenya mba Tatha.

Hasilnya memang belum sempurna. Tapi untuk pemula.. not to bad lah.

Semoga suka ^_^

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Red Bag

Just wanna share this red and white bag.
I made it last night, and finished it this morning.

It's a gift for my friend's little sister. I choose red, coz she likes that color. Plus, according to my friend, she's an active and cheerful little gal.

Hmmm.. hopefully she'll like it.

FYI, I took the pattern from Sis Tatha 1st book but I enlarge the size.


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