Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Blue Bed Cover

About a month a go, my mommy went to her aunt's house in Bogor. 2 woman meet, it's so impossible if they weren't chit-chating. Eventually, my mom told her aunt about my crocheting hobby. And guessed what?! Her aunt so excited, coz she had 3 daughter but none of them had the sama hobby like her. Which is crafting -including crocheting-. Then she rush into her bed room, and started to collect few things from her closet. All crocheting item. One of them is this Blue Bed Cover. It's so lovely isn't it???

She made it from local wool, using local hook. Finished it for about a month. Wow. I never made such a huge project like this. I promised to myself that one day, sooner or later, I'll make things like this.

Wish me luck ^_^


  1. Wowww..keren deh mbak, pake pineapple ya nih?Benangnya didobel ga mbak?

  2. wow keren neh mbak, pake pineapple ya?benangnya didobel ga mbak?

  3. kliatannya di dobel say. Katanya sih bikin ini sebulan ^_^


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