Few month a go, a friend asked me if I can crocheted an earflap with PORORO Figure for her son. I bet you know what Pororo is. Specially you who have kids ;)
Yes!! You got it!! Pororo is this little penguin!!
So, I finally crocheted that hat last week. Since... another friend also asked me to crocheting this stuff for her.
2 person already... I can't delay it again, right?! or GOD may get angry and make my customers dissapear. Puff!! Just like that.
After several times trying .. finally... I present this PORORO Earflap to you.. my beloved readers.
Material: Thalenta ICTS for its body
Thalenta TS for its face and glasses
Thalenta ICT for its blue skin and lining of its hat
Since I don't have kid's head mannequin, so I just use what I got at home :D
What I hate when crocheting figures is those details like eyes, nose, etc.
Feels like wanna screamed >.<
Did anyone ever feel like what i feel??
Anyway... I'm glad I could finally finished it. Still got one more to crochet though ;)
Happy crafting y'all ;)