Thursday, 25 June 2009

Simple Pink Shawl

This simple pink shawl was made as a b'day present for Ocie,-my friend @ my prev. office.

Made this one with less than a ball pink ICT -i choose pink coz Ocie loves pink-, with clover hook no.4.

Well.. this was my 1st free style shawl. What I mean with free style is b'cause I didn't use any pattern. I just made it up with simple dc and lots of ch :D.

Feel so glad when I finnaly made this, and even more when Ocie called me to say that she likes it ^_^. Hopefully she really did, not just wanna make me happy.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Bunga untuk Bu Guru

Bulan lalu kan Mba Thata Ulang Tahun...
Nah... Cici Fenny (Asmod DC), punya rencana untuk bikin kejutan nih.. buat Mba Thata. Kalo tahun lalu kan kita nyumbang square yang kemudian di sambung jadi Selimut Cinta. Nah.. kali ini temanya SAUNG. Jadi.. yang mau ikutan, diminta buat sesuatu yang bisa dipajang di SAUNG Mba Thata.

Asli, Nda bingung banget mau bikin apa. Sama sekali ga ada ide. Nah.. waktu ym-an sama teteh Fenny, dia minta Nda buat bunga aja. Bunga apa aja deh, berapa aja. Nti dirangkai sama dia untuk di taroh di vas, digabungin bunga dari beberapa orang warga DC lainnya.

Ya udah.. Nda ikutin aja sarannya si teteh. Dan inilah bunga yang Nda buat (like usual, polanya liat di inet). Klo ga salah dari pola di AA. Sebenernya sih pola sachet gitu, tapi Nda ambil aja bunganya.
Nahhh... kalo ini bunga-bunga yang udah dirangkai sama Teteh Fenny. Duhhh keren-keren banget yaaa. Kayaknya punya Nda paling sederhana dan kalem :D. Tapi gpp deh. PD ajah!!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Al-Qur'an Cover

See this lovely cover???
It was made by Ibu Maya for DC exchange project on Kartini Day.
Mba Thata (as usual) had a brilliant idea to held an exchange project in order to honour RA Kartini, the mother of Woman Emancipation in Indonesia. And for this exchange project, we made small things like book cover or pouch for hook (depends on what we like to have from our partner).
So, when Ibu Maya asked me what do I want for the exchange program, I told her that I wanna book cover for my Holy Al-Quran. And.. tadaaaaa!!!!! I got it. And not only that. Ibu Maya also gave me the Holy Al-Qur'an. Even bigger than what I have back home.

^_^ Thank you so much Ibu Maya.

Pstt.. I know it's kinda embarassing, but I still owe Mba Nik for Hook pouch for this exchange project. Please be patience mba Nik >_<


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