Saturday, 29 November 2008

DC's Granny Competition

DC is having a granny competition for members who joined this group this year.

All we have to do is just make something from granny (like bag, afghan, etc). We can design our own granny square or just using others pattern. As long as we mentioned whose pattern is that. Plus we have to made it with yarn from CnM. I really have no idea what should I made for this competition. Well actually I have something in my mind, but stuck in make it into real. So I made this shawl from Mbak Thata's pattern. I just made the 1st 4 row and combine it with bullion.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Aquamarine Shell

See this hat??
I just made it today.
I took the pattern from an Ondori Book but I don't know what's the title of this hat (since I can't understand Kanji letter).
But I will call it Aquamarine shell coz of the color and the stitches.
For this hat, I use ICT Mix with clover hook no.4.
I only spend half ball of yarn (more less 50 gr).

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Red Hat

Since our Queen Thata from DC held a hat competition, and it's a MUST for all DC member, so I try to make another hat. Still a simple one, coz I'm a newbie in this hat thing. Actually I'm a newbie in crocheting world.

I used ICT plain, red n white for this hat with no. 4 clover hook and only use dc stitch. My mom said that this hat looks like a 'songkok'. A hat that moslem man use for pray (sholat).

Square Selimut Mbak Ezie

Setelah sekian lama punya hutang foto, akhirnya hari ini Nda bisa memenuhinya. Poto-poto berikut adalah square sumbangan dari mbak Teti dan mbak Nita untuk selimut bayi-nya mbak Ezie. Nda ada juga bikin beberapa, tapi ga usah dipoto yaaa.. :D

Oh iya, berhubung DC lagi demam sakura, jadi square yang dikirimkan sakura semua deh. Pas banget sama anaknya mbak Ezie yang memang perempuan.

FYI, nantinya selimut ini akan dikerjakan 2 orang. Nda n mbak Rini. So, jangan kaget klo nanti ada 2 seni pada 1 selimut itu :D.

Square yang ini, Nda terima 25 Oktober 2008. Ini dari mba Nita di Surabaya. Keren ya. Warnanya itu loh.. soft banget. Baby gal banget kan?!?!?!?

Yang ini adalah square dari mbak Teti. Nda terima ini tgl 29 Oktober 2008, dikantor.

Nah yang dibawah ini juga dari Mbak Teti,

tapi lupa kapan tepatnya. Rasanya sih masih minggu ini. Sebenarnya sih mbak Teti kirim 6 lagi, tapi berhubung yang 4 adalah untuk FDWL, jadi ga Nda masukin disini. Kan in i topiknya mbak Ezie :). Gak papa kan mbak Teti???

Untuk Mbak Nita dan Mbak Teti, makasih banyak ya atas partisipasinya. Semoga Nda bisa mempercantik hasil karya kalian ini. ^_^ .


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