Thursday, 22 September 2011

Baby Bottle Bag with Bear Applique

Never imagine before that I'll got an order to crochet this thing. A bag for baby bottle. But yet, Iin (a friend from prev. office) ordered this.

1st, she wants it in green. Then she change her mind and ask for rainbow color. So I run into sis Fenny's ol shop and asked her to send me Blend ICT of rainbow color.

Try this stitches, try that stitches, and VOILA!! A Baby Bottle Bag with adjustable sling and bear applique. 

I just sew part of the bear, so it can be a pocket ^__^

Hope she'll like it ^__^

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Hat Key Chain

These are 200 pcs (of 450 pcs) hat key-chain for Uchie & Dion's Wedding. I crocheted them from various color of Indonesian Cotton (Blend and Plain).

Uchie only gave me about a month to crocheted these hat. Thanks GOD, Alhamdulillah I can do it on time.

By the way.. they already married last saturday.

Hope you'll be Happily Ever After dear ^___^

Friday, 9 September 2011

1st Award for my Creativity

As I walked through by blog today, I found a message on my board. It's from mba Fillyawie, a very very creative designer in wire and beads (please do correct me if I'm wrong sis). I always admire her and her work. I admirer her effort in teaching others to be more creative. 

So, back to my award. Honestly, I like and dislike blogger award at the same time. Why?? Coz there's always a task behind most of those blogger award. And I'm not good in doing task. Just like this one. I can only do 1 of 2 task from this award. So sorry for that Mba Fillyawie. Hope you understand >.<

The 1st task is to tell 7 things about me. Ok. Get ready friends!!

1. I LOVE Books
    Yup! I love to read almost any kind of book. In the I always keep my books for my self. I mean, I do let my friend to borrow it. I'm not that mean you know. But lately I also like to share it to they who need it. For you who love books, I'm sure you know that sometimes, book are quite expensive. Especially those hard cover book with glossy paper. And how can we expect kids to love reading if we can't provide them with good and educating books if the price is high. So I try share some of them. I can't do BIG thing, but it doesn't mean that I couldn't do anything, right?!?

2. I LOVE Crafting
    These past few years I found comfort in crafting. I feel that crafting is a great escape from my hectic life. Playing with yarn, beads, mix n matching colors, those thing make my day brighter. I know I'm still unfocused. I mean, I do little crochet, little knit, little bullion, little beads. Little in every thing. I wish I can find in which side of craft my passion is. 

3. Writing a Book is My Dream
    I wish I could achieve it someday. Soon. By the way, thanks to sis Thata who's so generous, she gave me opportunity to join her in her new Crochet n Knit Book which already available @ local book store ;)

4. A Worker who dreamed to be a Self-employed 
    I dream it almost every day. Be a boss for myself.

5. Moody Me
    I still try to work this out. Reducing my up and down mood. I did. Believe me. But unfortunately it's not as easy as I think.

6. I Love Me
    Sound narcissism isn't it? But that's the way it is. Time thought me to love myself before I could love others, before other can love me. If I can't love my self then how come I expected others to love me??

7. Blogging is my Escape
    Hectic day at work, annoying friends, failed target, those office bad moment can be heal with blogging. Just do some blog walking or even posting something on my own blog then the pain will be less and less. 

So that was 7 things about me. I'm so sorry coz I can't fulfill the second task >.<

PS: Actually sis Fillyawie post this award at my other blog but since she said I got this award because she likes my crafting works -crochet- so I decided to post it here.


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